Section: Dissemination


We give here the details of courses. Web pages of the graduate courses can be found on the web site :


  • Highschools: «Traitement numérique de la géométrie, Lorsque nos maths s'incarnent dans les ordinateurs», Monique Teillaud, 3h ETD Lycée Jean Cocteau (Miramas), February, 3h ETD Lycée de la montagne (Valdeblore), June, 3h ETD Lycée Henri Matisse, Vence, October.

  • Master: «Géométrie algorithmique», Olivier Devillers, 13h ETD, M1, Université de Nice.

  • Master: «Algorithmes géométriques: théorie et pratique», Pierre Alliez, Olivier Devillers, and Monique Teillaud, 28h ETD, M2, Université de Nice.

  • Master: Computational Geometry Learning, J.-D. Boissonnat, F. Chazal and M. Yvinec, 25h, M2, MPRI (Paris).

  • Master: Computational Geometry: from Theory to Applications, S. Oudot, 20h, M1, École Polytechnique.

  • Master: «Maillages 3D et applications», P. Alliez, 21h, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (Paris).

  • Doctorat: Geometric Inference, F. Chazal and D. Cohen-Steiner, 20h, Université Paris Sud (Orsay).

Teaching responsibilities

  • Monique Teillaud is a member of the jury of the Agrégation de Mathématiques.

Ph.D. theses

  • Phd: Trung Nguyen, A Disk-Covering Problem with Application in Optical Interferometry), Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, soutenue le 2 decembre. These encadree par Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, en collaboration avec Thales Alenia Space

  • PhD in progress: Arijit Ghosh, Approximation of submanifolds, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, started ?, J-D. Boissonnat.

  • PhD in progress: Clément Maria, Data structures for simplicial complexes, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, started ?, J-D. Boissonnat.

  • PhD in progress: Mikhail Bogdanov, Triangulations in non-Euclidean spaces, started October 1st 2010, Monique Teillaud.

  • PhD in progress: Ross Hemsley, Probabilistic methods for the efficiency of geometric structures and algorithms, started October 1st 2011, Olivier Devillers.

  • PhD in progress: Bertrand Pellenard, Surface and Domain Tiling, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, October 2009, Pierre Alliez.

  • PhD in progress: Simon Giraudot, Robust Shape Reconstruction, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, November 2011, Pierre Alliez.

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Bos, Topological methods for geometric data classification, Université Paris XI, September 2010, Frédéric Chazal and Steve Oudot.

  • PhD in progress: Claire Caillerie, Sélection de modèles pour l'inférence géométrique, Université Paris XI, September 2008, Frédéric Chazal and Pascal Massart.

  • PhD in progress: Mickael Buchet, Topological and geometric inference from measures, Université Paris XI, October 2011, Frédéric Chazal and Steve Oudot.


Internship proposals can be found on the web at http://www.inria.fr/sophia/geometrica/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=7&Itemid=7

  • Paul Seron, Robust 3D reconstruction of urban scenes from LIDAR data, SupAero (France).

  • Mickael Buchet, Inférence topologique à partir de mesures, Ecole Polytechnique/MPRI, 6 months, March-August.

  • Vinayak Gagrani, CGAL-implementation of the tangential Delaunay complex, IIT Bombay, 2 months.

  • Sagar Chordia, Shape approximation with guarantees, IIT Bombay, 2 months.

  • Clément Maria, Construction du witness complex, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, MPRI, 6 months.